VPS hostingoffers a stable hosting platform for dependable, powerful, and pocket-friendlywebsites. Providers offer VPS hosting in two versions: Windows and Linux VPSservers, the main difference being the operating system. However, you could bewondering what these two operating systems are used for and the major differences between them.
What is thedifference between Linux VPS hosting and Linux VPS hosting?
VPS hostinguses virtual servers and assigns each user an independent virtual environment.Unlike shared hosting, users do not share the server resources such as CPU andRAM with other users. It replicates a physical server. Unlike shared hosting, VPSoffers better server performance, improved security, and better allocation of resources.
Linux ischeaper because it is an open-source platform. At the same time, Windows ismore costly because it requires licensing costs as Microsoft owns it. Theirservers are designed to perform specialized tasks at a higher price. Therefore,making the Windows servers more costly.
In terms ofsecurity, Linux is a UNIX-based operating system. It offers better securityagainst spyware, virus, malware, among other security threats. Windows VPS isconsidered secure because the administrators can hide files from other users. Thetype of VPS you choose depends on various factors in your website requirements. It is essential to note the correct elements to look for when choosing the right VPS hosting for your website.
Fivefactors you should pay attention to when selecting Linux or Windows VPS
Linux isprimarily an open-source-based operating system, meaning you will run moreopen-source software than windows. Much hosting software such as WordPress willbe hosted on a Linux platform. Windows and Linux are both good VPS hostingoptions, and it depends on which type of VPS hosting you want to run and which one will work better for you. Your choice between either depends on a number of factors related to your website:
Linux VPSuses fewer resources and does not need to be rebooted every time the serverload gets high, thus giving a seamless performance. On the other hand, WindowsVPS needs a reboot after every minor update, and resources are not optimizednormally. As a result, it can strangle performance due to the lack of optimization.
Linux has anopen-source operating system and is ideal when your website uses python, PHPpro, or another open-source software. Thus collaboration tools could be costly.Windows has a proprietary operating system and works perfectly with windowsspecific software such as C sharp.
Linux VPS hasplenty of built-in security measures. It is more secure than Window VPS becauseit allows editing and security privileges for only administrators. Unlike mostoperating systems, windows face more threats and are more vulnerable to securitybreaches and attacks. It would offer equally more security like a Linux VPS if set up correctly.
Linux featuresbetter bug tracking and resolution. It receives active support from a communityof developers, which helps fix bugs faster. On the other hand, Windows receivessupport from experts that support troubleshooting issues.
The cPanelmakes it easy to use Linux VPS. At the same time, Windows features a graphicuser interface familiar to most users.
Choosing asuitable VPS might not be easy. However, if you single out the specificfeatures you would like to focus on, you would make the right choice of a VPS.