How to Implement Employee Management Software in your business


Manybusinesses are considering implementing different information technology (IT)systems in their businesses to improve staff performance. The world is moving to the fourth industrial revolution, where technology is part and parcel of our way of life. An employee management system is an example of such paradigms that has been embraced by small, medium, and large business communities. The employee management system streamlines administration operations and enhances employees’ performance. However, implementing an employee management system requires meticulous planning and execution. The process is also challenging, which has hampered many businesses from considering it. A well-implemented employee management system ensures higher employee engagement, performance, and commitment. In this regard, this report identifies steps required to ensure a successful implementation of an employee management system. The steps for implementing an employee management software are pre-requisiteinvestigation, selecting the most suitable system, trial testing, customization, training of the employees, and execution.  

Steps to implement employee management software forbusinesses 

Thesuccess of an employee management system depends on a myriad of factors.However, the implementation procedure adapted is one of the most crucial aspects to consider. In respect, this report elucidates a procedure that should be considered by businesses when employing an employee management system to ensure success. The report identifies the following six steps: pre-requisite investigation, selecting the most suitable system, trial testing, customization, training of the employees, and execution.  

1. Pre-requisiteInvestigation 

Thepre-requisite investigation is the first step undertaken when implementing anemployee management system. It involves identifying the problems that need to be addressed by a new employee management system. The issues might be varied and include assignment of tasks, attendance reporting, leave management, employee self-service, or generation of payrolls. The specific needs of a business should be determined at this stage and a comprehensive report prepared and presented to the relevant individuals. The pre-requisite analysis should also identify how a business is addressing the established issues, noting the strengths and the weaknesses of the systems.  The technological requirements and available systemsshould also be determined to identify what should be purchased. The information gathered during the pre-requisite phase is employed to select the most suitable employee management system for a given business.  

2. Selectingthe Most Suitable Employee Management System  

Thepertinent information obtained from the pre-requisite analysis is utilized whenselecting the most suitable employee management system. A team of employees from different departments should be involved in the selection processes. Members form the information technology, and the human resources should be presented in this team. Firstly, they should ensure that the chosen system addresses the issues identified during the pre-requisite stage. Secondly, the system should be easy to use for all the personnel. Businesses face backlash from the employees when a new system is implemented, mainly due to resistance to change. A sophisticated system is a reason enough for most employees to reject a chosen employee management system. Hence, businesses should consider easily navigable systems, while addressing all the issues affecting the business. Thirdly, it should guarantee cyber security. The cases and complexity of cyber-attacks have been increasing, resulting in millions of dollar losses annually. Thus, a suitable employee management system should guarantee cyber security for businesses and their employees. Fourthly, a suitable employee management system should be affordable. Numerous systems have been developed at varying prices and conditions. Fifthly, a suitable employee management system should be scalable and customizable. An appropriate system should be capable to accommodate changes and growth of businesses. Therefore, businesses should conduct a comprehensive price comparison before choosing the most appropriate employee management system to implement. Overall, selecting the most suitable employee management system is the second phase when implementing such a system.  

3. Trial Testing 

Oncethe most appropriate employee management system has been identified, it can beimplemented and tested for a few months before making the final decision. Many issues raise when a system is in place. Hence, an acquired employee management system should be implemented on a trial basis to determine its capabilities and identify whether it addresses the issues established in the pre-requisite analysis. During this stage, limitations and strengths of the system should be identified and noted before commencing the next phase. Trial testing is a crucial step because it practically determines whether an acquired employee management system serves the purpose.  

4. Customization 

Theinformation gathered from the trial testing phase can be used to improve theselected employee management system. Any arising issues during the trial testing and were not identified during the pre-requisite analysis, and are not addressed by the system, should be added to the system through customization. Hence, a suitable employee management system should be customizable and scalable.  

5. Training  

Allthe individuals expected to interact with the system, from employees to accountadmins, should be trained on how to navigate the selected system. It is easier to implement a system when the employees are well conversant with it. Training also reduces the chances of employee resistance. Hence, it is paramount for business management to consider training all stakeholders.  

6. Implementationand Execution  

Implementationand execution are the last steps that involve a complete integration of a newand customized employee management system into the operations of a business. The system should be updated regularly to accommodate changes in a business. Furthermore, any arising issues should be integrated into the system. Therefore, it is essential to consider a scalable and customizable system.  


Implementinga successful employee management system requires a meticulous process. Theprocess has also proved to be challenging, which has prevented many businesses from implementing employee management systems. This report tries to identify the most crucial steps that should be considered by businesses that aim to implement employee management systems. The analysis concludes that the most crucial steps for a successful employee management system include pre-requisite investigation, selecting the most suitable system, trial testing, customization, training of the employees, and execution. The report aims to assist the business in successfully implementing employee management systems to tap on the many benefits ascribed to these systems.