How to choose the best background music for your project

· Marketing,video,Multimedia
 free music download


Music is aninfluential art that plays a significant role based on its common elements,including pitch, rhythm, dynamics, sonic qualities of timbre and texture. Background music is also termed as music design. 

Background musicserves as a discreet accompaniment to your intended video or song. It is notmeant to be the primary focus but rather to impact the target audience's specific behavioural and emotional responses. It can set the mood, make the content dynamic and establish a better atmosphere for the whole project. 

While aiming atproducing a lit video or ad with the best background selection, it is crucialto adhere to music law. Legal music licenses and copyright laws should be handled delicately since any form of violation can be extremely costly.  vid

With free music download, you can obtain content and be sure ofworking within the legal boundaries.  

Given the passive butvital role of background music in a project, careful consideration is key inselecting the best. The wrong choice of background music can result in lowered video standards or, even worse, attract negative reviews. There are several elements to bear in mind to ensure you arrive at the perfect choice. 

Here are a few tips: 

i. Clearly define thepurpose of your project. It ensures a proper selection of background music tosupport the intended message. 

Take an example of anadvertisement or a marketing video; music with an even tempo would beappropriate since it creates interest to the target without drawing attention from the product/service being promoted. 

ii. Carefully factorin the role of background music in the project. Identify whether the aim is toevoke emotion, complement the video, capture the audience's concentration, etc. For example; 

-Subtle music blendsflawlessly for a demo or an explainer video. 

-For a story, clearmusic with a mild tone helps to advance the plot while getting the audience'sattention. 

-For charity videosseeking donations, background music with a melancholy tone would be suitable toemphasize the message. 

iii. Define theoverall mood of the project. 

Ambient music, forinstance, is calm, centred and soothing hence can be a perfect choice forprojects that would thrive best within such an atmosphere.  

iv. Narrow down to aspecific genre. 

There are many genresin the music industry that evoke different emotions. 

Rock music, forinstance, can evoke emotions for music that is raw, substantial and gritty.Invision is a screen design tool using rock type of background music. 

There are severalother music design tools for different genres of music triggering diverseemotions. 

Hip hop music isfavourable for projects that need a confident, edgy and fast tempo. 

v. Consider using UseMusic Intros and Outros as Bookends 

A bookend is asnippet of music, often concise and coupled text or animation, to indicate thata video is starting or stopping. 

It helps prep theaudience for the start of the video hence gathering their concentration as youapproach the main content. 

It is very effectivefor branding since, in most cases, it shows the logo or series name, which theaudience can easily recognize. 

vi. Choose a trackthat best communicates to the target audience. 

First, it is crucialfirst to understand your audience regarding age, professions, and preferences,then select background music that they can best interact with. 

vii. Pay attention tothe frequency and tone. 

Tones that aresimilar to human voices can overshadow the main content or make it confusing todifferentiate the background music from the main content. 

Tracks withrepetitive chord progressions help in making clear distinctions. 

Choose music in whichthe frequency, the emotion conveyed and the instruments match. 

viii. Set the pac

Random breaks in thevideo or song catch an audience's attention and thus can be used to highlightan essential element in the content. 

They should beintroduced in a regular pattern to avoid altering the flow of the project. 

ix. Work within yourbudget. 

For small budgets,you can work with music with commons licenses. With a medium budget, you canwork with royalty-free music, and for projects such as commercials with large budgets, you can get custom music. 

After carefulconsideration of the above tips, you can easily decide on the perfectbackground music and compile an incredible project.